
From: Proceedings 10th World Congress of Cryosurgery
Basal cell carcinoma of vulva treated with radio frequency and cryosurgery

November 1998
JE Mauro, E Stolar, E TurJansky, A Guglielminetti, C Jakob, A Sancineto Servicio de Ginecologia, Departamento Materno-Infantil Hospital General de Agudos Carlos G. Durand Buenos Aires. Argentina. Escuela de post-grado de la Asociacion Medica Argentina. Criocirugia. Directores: Dr. E. TurJansky y E. Stolar.

The vulvar cancer is located in an intermediate place for its frequency between the womb and the ovaries (more frequent) and the vagina and Fallopian tube (less frequent). The histological types are varied, being the most frequent the squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is a less frequent type, 1% to 3% of all the vulvar cancers. It probably occurs because this type usually appears on sun-exposed areas, especially in the head and neck. It appears in women of an average of 63 years.

A patient of 75 years with ulcerated basal cell cancer of 3 cm in major diameter located in the right labium. majus is presented. Background: Eighteen years before, basal cell carcinoma in the perianal area was treated with radical surgery with definitive colostomy. Treatment with local anesthesia was performed in the office by resection of the tumor with radio frequency and 3 cycles of freezing-thawing with liquid nitrogen spray. Good post-operative evolution. Follow-up during a year and a half without recurrences.

The ease of the treatment, its painless post-operative, its low cost and excellent aesthetic result allow this technique to be the choice for the mentioned case.


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