
From: Proceedings 10th World Congress of Cryosurgery
Treatment with radio frequency and cryosurgery of squamous cell carcinoma of vulva and vagina recurred to surgery

November 1998
JE Mauro, E Stolar, E Tu~ansky, JC Balparda, A Seoane Servicio de Ginecologia, Departamento Matemo-Infantil Hospital General de Agudos Carlos G. Durand Buenos Aires. Argentina. Escuela de post-grado de la Asociaci6n M6dica Argentina. Criocirugia. Directores: Dr. E. Tu~ansky y E. Stolar.

A patient of 72 years with squamous cell carcinoma of vulva extended to vagina recurred to surgery is presented. It is a case of multicentric cancer of the inferior genital tract. Background: 1978 - Verrucous carcinoma of vulva treated with hernivulvectomy. 1995 - Carcinoma of cervix, stage II-b that co-exists with VAIN III of the inferior third of the left lateral vaginal wall and VIN III in the perineal floor. Radian treatment for the cervix (telecobaltherapy and tandem intracavitary and surgical treatment -wide resectionof VAIN and VIN lesions are performed. 1997 - Infiltrative squamous cell carcinoma of the inferior third of vagina and perineal floor.

The resection with peridural anesthesia is performed with radio frequency and cryosurgery - three cycles with liquid nitrogen spray. Excellent post-operative evolution. Follow-up during one year. Stenosis of the inferior orifice of the vagina that was treated with radiated incisions with radio frequency was observed three months later. The importance of this method as an alternating therapy in a difficult patient due to the age, the general health and the important sequelae of the previous treatments is emphasized.


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